"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." - Angela Schwindt

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lesson #4 - Jeepers Creepers

Izzy came home from school and I started to look through her school folder when I came across a spider. Not a real one, but one that she had drawn in school. It’s very detailed and has names to all the body parts. Izzy asked me if I knew that spiders had eight eyes. I’m sure I knew that spiders had eight eyes at some point in my life, but after several decades since school and hundreds of brain cells dying during my pregnancy, I must have forgotten. Not that I’ve ever liked spiders to begin with so I might have wanted to forget. Especially since they come and visit my home on a weekly basis. Now, I don’t mind these creepy crawlers outside my home. In fact, I love seeing their beautiful spun webs but inside my house is a different matter. They are just not invited and don’t belong. But now I know why, no matter how you creep up on them, they always know you’re there. It’s the eight eyes. I don’t know about you, but to me, that just makes them creepier. So to Izzy, while Mama thanks you for the spider lesson, some lessons are best kept for your Daddy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lesson #3 - That Darn Little Leprechaun

It's 6:10 am and panic strikes me! I jump out of bed, make sure Izzy is still sleeping, and proceed to walk into the kitchen. Why? Because Izzy set out a Leprechaun trap last night and the Little Leprechaun a.k.a. Mommy forgot! So bleary eyed and still half asleep I proceed to make a mess of the trap (since apparently that's what Leprechauns do), take the present that Izzy left him (the flower painting that is posted) and stick it in my purse, write an itty bitty thank you note for the present and leave it with a Hershey's kiss. Then I get back into bed, but of course I'm wide awake by now, and wait for Izzy to wake up. Okay, so you might think I'm crazy. But the truth is...some of my favorite childhood memories are those where my mom went out of the way to make a holiday magical. And what's life without a little magic. Besides, while I'm sure Izzy will blame me for not doing something later on in life, what I won't ever be blamed for is spoiling a holiday. So to everyone, Happy St. Patty's Day!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lesson #2 - To Be Or Not To Be A...Rock Star!

“I’ve decided I want to be a Rock Star when I grow up,” Izzy said to me.  "Really?  Seriously?  A Rock Star?  Of all the things you can pick from...that’s what you want to be?  But you’re so smart and talented in so many other things."  I don’t actually say this to her even though I really wanted to.  Oh, the joys of being a parent.  What to say?  What to do?  Alas, I say nothing.  Because the truth is, as much as I don’t want her to be a Rock Star, I also would never want to stop her from following her dreams.  To pursue her passion and do what she loves because that’s what I’m doing now.  A little late in life but none-the-less doing what I love.  The best lesson for me to learn is to do everything in my power so that she realizes her dreams early on and not put obstacles in her way just because it’s not what I want for her.  She’s a smart girl and I know she’ll make the right decision for herself in the long run.  Besides, she’s only seven so there’s plenty of time for her to change her mind.  Hey…a mom can dream…can’t she?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lesson #1 - Letting Go

“When I was on the swings today, Abby came up to me and Teresa and said she hated us,” Izzy told me one day after school. "Wow, hates a strong word," I replied. Izzy then told me that Teresa didn’t know what the word "hate" meant so she explained to her that it meant Abby didn't like them anymore.
The next day…
I asked Izzy, "So whatever happened to Abby? Is she still not talking to you and Teresa?" “No, we’re friends again,” Izzy answered happily. "But I thought she said she hated you two?" I asked. “MOM, sometimes people say things they don’t mean. It’s okay. We’re friends again,” my daughter answered as if to say, "Duh!"
Well, as you know, sometimes for an adult it’s not so easy to forgive and forget. But it’s amazing to see how children don’t hold grudges. A lesson we too often forget because by holding onto grudges and not forgiving, we tend to only hurt ourselves. We’re human, not perfect. Sometimes people say things they don’t mean. And as humans we always have a choice: we can sulk and let it eat away at us or we can be the better person and let it go. I'm choosing to let things go.