“I’ve decided I want to be a Rock Star when I grow up,” Izzy said to me. "Really? Seriously? A Rock Star? Of all the things you can pick from...that’s what you want to be? But you’re so smart and talented in so many other things." I don’t actually say this to her even though I really wanted to. Oh, the joys of being a parent. What to say? What to do? Alas, I say nothing. Because the truth is, as much as I don’t want her to be a Rock Star, I also would never want to stop her from following her dreams. To pursue her passion and do what she loves because that’s what I’m doing now. A little late in life but none-the-less doing what I love. The best lesson for me to learn is to do everything in my power so that she realizes her dreams early on and not put obstacles in her way just because it’s not what I want for her. She’s a smart girl and I know she’ll make the right decision for herself in the long run. Besides, she’s only seven so there’s plenty of time for her to change her mind. Hey…a mom can dream…can’t she?
Gentle Pushes
5 years ago
I enjoyed reading this. You are right on! xx
Thanks Christine. I appreciate you reading my blog and happy you liked it.
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