Izzy and I usually travel during school breaks. Why? Because as the parent of an only child you soon realize that as much as you love your child you just don't want to be inundated with "Will you play with me?" or the dreaded "I'm bored," and "I don't know what to do." Don't ask me why but for some reason I didn't make any plans this year for Spring Break. And a break it has not been. I've been busy with trying to do work and also get my house ready to sell (you have no idea how many windows I have to clean, inside and out...I basically live in a glass house). And during all this Izzy, of course, wants my attention. And by the way, my daughter is not an electronic gadget type girl. Don't get me wrong, she's allowed to watch TV and she has a DS and her own iPad, but these things just don't interest her as much as wanting to play with someone Barbie , school, beauty salon or going to the restaurant and ice cream store she's put together. So needless to say, it's been a long week for the both of us, Izzy wanting to play with me and me trying to avoid it. But last night as I was putting Izzy to bed she looked at me
and said, “I want to spend time with you before I go to bed.” As a parent you know your children will say or do just about
anything to avoid going to bed so I thought it was just that. But then I went back in my mind to
think about how much time I actually spent with her this week. I looked at her
and asked her what she wanted to do.
“Hopscotch Mama,” is what she said. I smiled and said okay because the week did go by fast and I
know one day she won’t be wanting to spend so much time with me. And after I write this post, I will be taking the rest of the day off to spend it with Izzy doing what she loves best. So, no matter how hectic your day or week is...one cannot forget to set aside quality time with our children because lost time
with our children is something we can never get back.
Gentle Pushes
5 years ago
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